I was looking at different coaching models and researching what they were getting at. As I compared and analyzed the different models I realized that they were all incomplete. They had neat acronyms, and catchy. However they each were only a portion of the whole picture.
PPP, COACH, GROW, & FUEL models were some of the most prominent. Now don’t get me wrong, they each encapsulate essential elements of coaching. However each omit critical elements of a coaching conversation, or relationship.
The FUEL model is an overarching infrastructure that drives the points of each segment.
The PPP model initiates the conversation, and alignes the conversation ready to get into the meat of it.
The Grow and COACH models are essentialy the same with a few minor differences. Each one may be more preferential to individual coaches, or to different circumstances.
Each omits the accountability portion of coaching. So I created another model to add to the Repertoire. the FFUCC Model, (it is designed for effectiveness, not as pretty as those other models). It is one that focuses on the accountability portion of coaching, starting by Focusing the conversation in and Following up on commitments made in the previous session. Next you take the Understanding portion, and that is where all the other models are effective, no need to reinvent the wheel their. You then take the time to have your client make a Choice on a course of action to take between sessions, and make a Committment that you can hold them accountable for on the next session.
All models are good in their own right, however without making commitments and being held accountable to the successes and failures, what good is coaching. In sports, a coach has the reasonable expectation of accountability, so it should be in all other fields where a coach is present.